Grand Artistry Inspires, envisions equitable access to, and participation in, arts-based events and programs throughout the State of New Jersey for all to achieve their best health. As a 501(C)(3) non-profit organization, Grand Artistry Inspires, Inc. harnesses the transformative power of the arts to unlock opportunity for all to improve connection, wellbeing, community, and resilience.  

The mission of Grand Artistry Inspires, Inc. is to:                                                                                                                      
1. Confront inequities in arts-based programming to equitably direct resources across communities;                                                            

2. Activate and transform public spaces into vibrant community hubs for live arts performances and arts education; and,                                                            

3.  Address community health needs by connecting individuals to health and social support services                                                            

Grand Artistry Inspires, Inc. is committed to increasing arts engagement and connection to health and social support services within underinvested communities through curated event experiences in festive, creative, and inspiring environments.